PlabiPD database
The current implementation of the PlaBi dataBase focuses on eight crop plants including sugar beet, grapevine, rapeseed (canola), potato, maize, barley, bread wheat and false flax. The model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is also included as this model plant is used as a reference.
Sequence data
For all protein-coding genes of the seven crop plants and the one model plant the protein sequence, the cDNA sequence and the genomic sequence (including ~1800 bp of the 5'-UTR and ~300 bp of the 3'-UTR) is available. In addition, conserved protein domains as specified by the PFAM 33.1 database are shown.
Genome browser
The portal provides a JBrowser genome browser implementation for some of these plants which allows visualization of genetic data from chromosome to gene level.
Protein family data
The protein data from the seven crop plants and one model plant have been clustered using the Markov Cluster Algorithm (MCL). This data is then used in the database to allow the users to find orthologous proteins in the eight plants currently available.
This project Pflanzen-Primärdatenbank PPD was funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). The BMBF also funded the prior project GABI Primärdatenbank.
search by nucleotide sequence